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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Article Marketing – 3 Simple Steps to Find Targeted Profitable Traffic in Minutes

Article MarketingIf you are struggling to find targeted traffic for your blog or website, then this article will help you do the proper research and testing to rake in tons of targeted traffic to your site.  Let’s be honest here, the only way to see success online is getting people to read your blog or website.  How else can you gain readership, followers, and their trust?  By building a following you will be able to make money off your website either by selling products or through advertising.  First we need to determine what to write, then the keywords we need to target, and a headline that pops out.

Article Research
We need to determine what to write about and which keywords to target.  What niche is your website in?  For example it could be dating, gardening, blogging, cars, etc?  Now think of a topic in that niche that can help people.  Making a bulleted list with a how to guide is great for getting attention and traffic to your site.  For example, “5 Tips for Buying a New Car for Thousands Less than Sticker”.  That is a great headline that stands out but also tells the reader that they are going to get the information they need quickly.

Keyword Research
Keyword research is also important.  We can use the free Google keyword tool to look up relevant keywords that have low competition but have decent traffic.  The search volume can be lower than 1000 because we want articles to rank naturally in Google.  Think about this, if you find 5 keywords that have between 200 and 500 searches a month each, then you can write 5 articles targeting these keywords.  Since the competition is so low your articles will rank naturally in Google if you post them to high page rank websites like EzineArticles, Goarticles, or  You must make sure that the keyword fits in your headline.  Then you will be able to get on the first page and start seeing traffic flow to your articles.

Headlines That Grab Attention
Determining a great headline is the hardest part of article marketing.  You need to think of a headline that is interesting and will get a user’s attention.  For example, which of these headlines sound better?  “How to meet women online” or “3 Simple Tips to Meet Hot Women Online”, the second one is clearly the better of the two titles.  If you had the choice to click on one of the two you would surely click on the second.

Now we need to perform split testing.  Split testing is where we test an article with different headlines to determine which ones get monster traffic.  It is best to use an auto approve directory like Goarticles for testing.  Publish your article then wait a couple days and see how many views you get.  If you don’t get many views then delete the article and try again.  Keep doing this till you start getting a bunch of traffic coming to one of your articles.  Once you figure it out then you will be able to rinse and repeat for monster traffic.

What if I told you other authors have already done the work for you?  Well good news, many authors have figured out headlines that grab killer traffic.  How do we find these articles?  We can use a search code in Google to view articles on EzineArticles that have high amounts of views then compare article headlines.  

Here is the code,

Dating "viewed 2000..199999" "Submitted On: * *, 2011" "Word Count: 500..1000"

This will search all articles in the dating niche and show all the articles published in 2011 that have been viewed over 2000 times.  Begin analyzing the articles and you will begin to figure out how to write similar attention grabbing headlines.  Don’t just copy someone else’s headline; write your own using what you have learned from other authors.

This is a proven method that will bring in traffic.  If you truly want your blog to grow then start writing articles that will bring you monster traffic to your site.  Get the sales and conversions you have been dreaming of.


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