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Monday, June 25, 2012

The Warrior Forum's Guru WSO Garbage

I'm not here to talk trash on the Warrior Forum, there is some excellent info out there and it's great place to start for beginners but there is the hilarious self proclaimed gurus over there that spout complete shit. Like any site there are some bad apples and the Warrior Forum is no exception. I tend to lurk nowadays over there but occasionally I will comment for those looking for help.

Gurus Lacking Wisdom
Here's my beef with some of the guru's over there, they claim to make thousands of dollars on numerous systems and every week they magically come up with a new system to sell as a special offer. You really think they are making bank every week on these systems? Anyone can fake an earnings screenshot and it happens all the time. If you head over to Warrior Plus's WSO Tracker you can look up some of these gurus and see their new special offers. Go ahead, click on one of their names and check out how many money making systems they come out with every week. It's hilarious the crap they come up with and it's typically the same regurgitated material that everyone has already heard or it's information that is readily available for free else where.

WSO's are the ONLY way these guys make money
It's true, they don't know how to make money outside of the warrior forum.  They have figured out how to get affiliates for their WSOs and they send paid traffic to their posts to make it look like their product is producing some buzz to get even more people to resell their rehashed product.  Some of these guys speak at IM conferences and what do they talk about 3/4 of the time?  Selling WSOs on the Warrior Forum!

These gurus make bank every month too, I'm talking between 10 to 30 grand a month for some of these guys.  Good for them, they found out that desperate buyers in the make money niche will buy up this stuff waiting for the push button answer to get rich quick.  I mean hey, I was one of them.  I bought a handful of WSOs a few years back before I knew anything about internet marketing. Did I learn anything from them?  Hell no, it was all garbage.  That's when I learned my lesson and realized everything I needed to learn about IM was already out there for free.

Quality WSOs
Again, I am pointing out some bad apples that reside on that forum.  There are some great WSOs out there, like Jan Roos's Amazon system or Erskine Meyers Adsense niche guide.  Look them up, they actually show you step by step on how to build successful online businesses.  I wouldn't be so critical of these guys if they were selling their customers quality content that is helpful, but they're not.  I'm more likely to trust a marketer who has been around for a while and only posts two to three WSO's a year because I believe he really is making money off these methods.  Compared to the guy who is trying to push a WSO out every week.

Usually well known marketers will give sterling reviews to these products and typically they just want to help the other guy out.  They will never post anything bad on the WSO thread so you may want to try messaging them directly for an honest review.  They may be more willing to tell you the truth.  Do your research and don't waste your money if you are really interested in a special offer.


Verdi Laurent said...

I've been about a year joined warrior forum, just before they launched pay member. I'm not having my best time there, due to lots of clickbank affiliates seller posts. Although lots of new infos I got on tips & tricks section. Anyway, dofollow backlinks from the forum was worth a lot.


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