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Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Warrior Forum Delima

I love the warrior forum, if you haven't been there make sure to check it out, But like any forum out there, they all have their own problems. The mods do a great job trying to keep it a clean and professional forum, although at times they do take things a bit too far.

For example, a user was trying to make a helpful post about about how he makes $200 per day with adsense and he wanted to have people ask him questions on his success. By doing so he wanted to share his methods so others would be successful just like him. You would think, hey this is a great post and someone is really trying to contribute to the community. Well here's the kicker, the post was deleted three times before this last one not being deleted by mods, where he had to beg for them not to delete it. If you want to see the post here it is, $200 a day from adsense, it's a great post in my opinion.

The other side of the coin is the bad products in the WSO, Warrior Special Offer, section of the forum. Don't get me wrong, there are some GREAT products and services here but there are also some very bad products. Rehashed content and e-books filled with fluff to make it look like your getting some big e-book that's 100+ pages long. Then on top of all that, these bad products get sterling reviews from well known marketers saying how great the product is. I think they would give dog crap a good review if asked. Even though they are selling information is either known already by everyone except people new to the IM world. Hey, that's fine but market it as a hand guide for newbies, don't try to lead people in thinking this is some secret method that few people know about. It's just a big lie. It really surprises me that these marketers are willing to throw their reputation out the door for the sake of a buck.

I've launched two products there, one that sold for a $1 that was a combination of my story plus some blogging advice and another that had a couple great videos on some little known techniques and I included some bonuses. I felt I offered something of real value at a low price to the forum. I will always stick to those values of offering quality. I would have to ask myself, "Would I buy this and be satisfied?" If yes, then you know you have created a quality product.

If you plan on launching a WSO here are some tips. Think of products that either solve a common problem that is going around on the forum or offer something with proof. Here are some ideas you could create products with that will offer real value.

  1. PLR - (Private Label Rights) In my opinion this is the hottest product you could create. Fellow marketers love new content. You could take a lot of your personal articles and package them up for sale, 30 to 50 articles for a specific niche.
  2. Web Graphic Packages - these are hot sellers because anyone who builds their own websites and sales pages need graphics.
  3. Case Study - Test out a method for 30 days or longer and show your results. It can be a new technique you've discovered or even something common. Showing that common methods still and can provide serious results, can be very motivating to share.
  4. Wordpress - Any type of tips or plugins for wordpress are very hot sellers. Any thing to help simplify a process for a blog or website. Selling pre-built templates for niches are big sellers as well.
  5. Traffic Generation - This is a very hot topic to create a product on. If you have found method to generate traffic that no one really knows about, this can be a huge seller.
  6. Offline Business - Methods on building your own SEO/Marketing company, lead generation, and other business models. These type of products sell very well.
If you do create a product just remember, provide real quality and value. Make a product people are gonna love. This will keep them hungry for more content from you plus give a real boost to your reputation. Hey, this guy knows a lot about IM and how to make money. You don't want to look like a used car salesman.


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